Unlocking the Health Benefits of Hydration

Health Benefits

Water is necessary for every cell, tissue, and organ in your body to function correctly, making it essential to your body’s survival. Your body uses water to perform many functions. Maintaining your health requires you to make sure you drink enough water each day.

Why Does the Body need Water?

The body needs water to carry out numerous critical functions. Fluid within the body is necessary for a variety of physiological processes, including helping the kidneys remove waste products from the body and enabling the circulatory system to deliver crucial nutrients, oxygen, and glucose to the cells. It also maintains the skin’s health, lubricates the  eyes and joints, and supports the proper operation of the digestive system.

Due to the way the body is made, we are unable to control body temperature. This is especially true in hot weather when we sweat more, which cools the body and helps to keep a constant temperature. People who live (or vacation in) hot climates or who sweat more than usual when participating in sports activities need to drink more fluids more frequently to replace the water lost through perspiration. The more water we lose through perspiration, the more we need to replenish our bodies.

What is the Ideal amount of Water to Drink?

The recommended daily intake of water varies based on your activity level, gender, height, weight, and other factors. The Institute of Medicine recommends the following broad guidelines on the matter:

  • It is advised that men consume 13 cups, or around 3 liters, of water every day.
  • It’s advised that women consume nine cups, or little more than two liters, of water every day. Pregnant women should drink 10 cups of water every day, and pregnant women should drink 12 cups of water daily.
  • The recommended daily water intake for children and teenagers is 6 to 8 cups. Again, this depends on factors like age, weight, and degree of activity.

Eating hydration-dense fresh fruits and vegetables also contributes to this daily need. However, sports drinks and energy drinks are not the same thing. The caffeine content in energy drinks is often high and contains substances such as taurine, ginseng, or guarana that tend to overstimulate you. The body does not require these items. These beverages are only beneficial if you exercise at a high level for longer than an hour.

Six Tips to Stay Hydrated

Here are some tips to help you stay hydrated:

  1. Carry a bottle of water with you throughout the day.
  2. Drink water if you’re feeling hungry. It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger. Drinking water won’t satisfy true hunger, but can support a healthy weight-loss strategy. According to several studies, drinking water can make you feel fuller.
  3. Try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your drink if you don’t like the taste of plain water.
  4. When you visit a restaurant, drink water. It’s free and will help you stay hydrated.
  5. Sip water before, during, and after exercise,.
  6. If you find it difficult to remember to drink water, create a routine for yourself. For instance, drink water when you get up, have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as before bed. Alternatively, start each hour with a small glass of water.

Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for good health. It allows our bodies to function optimally and also helps us focus.