Breast Augmentation – The Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedure

Breast augmentation surgery has long been one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States, with thousands of women opting for this transformative procedure every year. Despite the ever-evolving landscape of cosmetic surgery and body positivity movements, breast augmentation remains a sought-after option for many individuals. Breast augmentation surgery in NYC offers a transformative opportunity for individuals looking to enhance their physical appearance, particularly in terms of breast size, shape, and symmetry. This procedure is widely sought after by women looking to restore breast volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape, or improve natural breast size asymmetry. It has a long history of providing satisfactory outcomes, contributing to its continued popularity among women seeking improved body contour.

Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery Procedure

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What Breast Augmentation Involves

Women choose to undergo this procedure for different reasons such as to enhance the breast volume, to correct breasts that differ in size and shape, and to reshape the breasts making them firmer and rounder. This procedure involves using FDA-approved implants (saline, silicone, gummy bear or IDEAL implants) to enhance breast size and shape via incisions made in strategic locations: around the areola, in the crease under the breast, or in the armpit. The implant is placed in a pocket either behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle. Fat grafting may be combined with implants for a better outcome. This procedure involves transferring the patient’s own fat from another area of their body to the breasts to achieve the desired volume and shape. This technique can correct small defects or irregularities in shape. Since your own tissue used, it provides a more natural look and feel.

Reasons for the Popularity of Breast Augmentation

More women now want smaller breast implants, according to the latest reports from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). They are seeking a solution that offers a more natural look which is proportionate with their body frame. The report notes that breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in 2022, ranking second among the Top 5. Breast augmentations increased 4% from 2019, with 298,568 procedures performed in 2022. Here are the main factors contributing to the popularity of this cosmetic surgical procedure:

  • Personalized options: Patients considering breast augmentation have a plethora of alternatives as a result of developments in cosmetic surgery methods and implant technologies. Plastic surgeons can help patients tailor the procedure to meet patients’ specific cosmetic goals and preferences, from selecting the kind of implants (silicone or saline) to determining implant size, shape, and placement. This degree of customization adds to breast augmentation’s enduring attractiveness.
  • Natural-looking outcomes: The goal of contemporary breast implant surgery is to provide patients with outcomes that seem natural and blend in with their entire body. To make breasts that look and feel real, plastic surgeons use cutting-edge techniques like fat transfer, anatomically fitted implants, and precise placement. These options can enhance breast appearance while preserving proportionality and symmetry with the rest of the body.
  • Long-lasting results: Modern breast implants are designed to last more than a decade. In some cases, the implants can maintain their integrity for 20 years or beyond, according to the ASPS. This adds to their appeal. However, each patient’s experience varies, and the longevity of your implants depends on your body’s response and how you care for them.

Are you wondering about the right time to get breast augmentation?

Read our blog post When Is The Best Time To Get Breast Augmentation?

Explore your options and make an informed decision about getting breast augmentation

– call 1-800-282-7285.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery in NYC, consult a plastic surgeon with extensive expertise in the field. Experts will help you visualize your outcomes using superior imaging technology, which will go a long way in helping you make an informed decision.