Factors Determining Candidature for Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift in NYC involves the use of advanced cosmetic surgical techniques to help women address sagging and achieve a more proportionate and youthful-looking bust line. Also known as mastopexy, the procedure removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to restore firm, attractive breasts. Not all women are good candidates for this procedure and a NYC plastic surgeon will make sure you fulfill certain criteria before recommending the treatment.

Breast Lift SurgeryYou may be a good candidate for breast lift surgery, if

  • You are concerned about the appearance of your breasts which sag or have lost shape and volume
  • Your breasts are pendulous or have a flatter, elongated shape
  • The nipples seem to point downward
  • The nipple/areola sit below the crease underneath the breast when unsupported
  • Breasts asymmetrical or unusually shaped
  • You have stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • Have asymmetrical breasts
  • Are physically healthy and maintain a stable weight
  • You do not smoke
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome

Breast lift is one of the most popular procedures among women. New data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) shows that there was continued growth in the breast lift procedure over the last year. In 2016, there was an 89 percentage increase in the number of breast lift procedures from 2015. ASPS Member Surgeons alone performed about 101,264 breast lifts in 2016.

Breast lift surgery does not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breast. Women who want their breasts to look fuller and bigger, could consider a combo of breast lift and breast augmentation surgery. Women seeking smaller breasts can consider breast reduction surgery in conjunction with the lift.

The ideal place to have breast lift surgery is in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice in NYC. Such practices have surgeons who are experts in the procedure using different types of incisions. During the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon will evaluate your anatomy and determine which incision will provide you with the best outcomes. They will also help you visualize the outcomes of the procedure using advanced 3D imaging technology. This option allows patients to take an informed decisions and the surgeon to plan the procedure to provide the best results.