How You Can Get Rid of Bat Wings with Arm Lift Surgery in NYC

Sagging skin, especially on the upper arms, is a common concern that people have as they age or lose a considerable amount of weight. For many people, this drooping, sometimes called “bat wings,” can be uncomfortable and cause self-consciousness. In order to address this problem, cosmetic surgeons perform arm lift surgery in NYC, also referred to as brachioplasty, which removes extra skin and fat to provide a more toned and youthful appearance. 

This procedure aids in

  • the reduction of fat pockets
  • eliminating extra skin
  • tightening the supporting tissue
  • keeping the remaining skin smooth

What Is Arm Lift Surgery in NYC?

Making an incision along the inside or rear of the upper arm is the standard procedure for a brachioplasty, through which extra skin and fat is removed. These modern techniques are used by our doctors to perform this treatment for patients who wish to forego traditional surgery and scar.

Arm Lift Surgery

  • BodyTiteâ„¢: It removes excess fat, firms and tightens the skin quickly with minimum downtime and side effects. The unique capacity of this procedure to tighten the skin up to 40% more than traditional liposuction is well known.
  • VASERlipo: The VASERlipo technology targets fat cells specifically while avoiding surrounding tissues by using ultrasonic energy. This procedure is known for its precision and ability to target specific areas, making it suitable for refining the contours of the arms and achieving a smoother result.
  • Smartlipo Triplex: For better results, Cynosure’s laser-assisted body-sculpting tool, Smartlipo Triplex, liquefies and eliminates extra fat. This procedure is effective for contouring the arms and tightening the skin, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a less invasive option with quicker recovery times.

Transform your arms and boost your confidence with advanced arm lift surgery.

Schedule your Consultation

Reasons for Arm Sagging

Several factors contribute to the sagging of skin in the upper arms, and understanding these causes is crucial for individuals considering arm lift surgery. The primary reasons for arm sagging include:

  • Aging: The natural aging process leads to a loss of skin elasticity, causing sagging in various areas of the body, including the arms.
  • Weight Loss: Significant weight loss can result in excess skin that fails to retract, leading to sagging.
  • Genetics: Genetic factors can influence skin elasticity, and some individuals may be genetically predisposed to developing sagging skin in the arms.
  • Sun Damage: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin, contributing to sagging.

Best Candidate for Arm lift surgery

Ideal candidates for this treatment usually have the following traits:

  • Good General Health: In order to withstand both the surgical treatment and the recuperation period, candidates should be in good health. In addition, the patient needs to give up drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Stable Weight: In order to guarantee the best outcome, it is advised that candidates have reached and maintained a stable weight before contemplating arm lift surgery.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery and understand that the treatment is not a substitute for weight loss or a thorough exercise plan.

Read our blog to know more about who is the ideal candidate for arm lift surgery.

Recovering from the Treatment

The length of recovery following arm lift surgery varies based on the procedure’s complexity and each patient’s healing process. Nonetheless, there are broad rules to abide by:

  • Initial Postoperative Period: Following surgery, patients could feel sore, bruised, and swollen. In order to reduce swelling, compression garments are usually used, and painkillers may be recommended to treat any discomfort.
  • Activity Restrictions: In order to facilitate appropriate healing, patients are advised to refrain from heavy lifting and intense activity for a few weeks. Walking and other light exercise are recommended to help with healing and prevent blood clots.
  • Follow-up Appointments: To track development, handle any issues, and guarantee ideal healing, follow-up consultations with the surgeon are crucial.

Say goodbye to sagging skin on your arm and get toned arms with arm lift surgery.

Call us at 1-800-282-7285

Losing a significant amount of weight is a noteworthy achievement. An arm lift or other excess skin removal surgery can enhance your mobility, comfort, and self-esteem. So, if you are considering an arm lift surgery in NYC, reach out to an experienced plastic surgeon to meet your aesthetic goals.