Breast Augmentation: What Does The Procedure Involve?

Breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts and makes them firmer and rounder. Rated as one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures, this procedure improve volume and firmness lost due to excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging, etc. Breast augmentation in New York City is performed using FDA-approved implants. Many women choose to have the procedure to improve self-confidence in their appearance.

Breast Augmentation

Plastic surgeons who well-trained and skilled in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery perform breast augmentation using FDA-approved implants, which are tailor-made for individual patients. Reliable practices that provide breast augmentation in New York City offer a wide selection of breast implants such as Saline, Silicone, Gummy bear and IDEAL implants. While choosing an implant, you should keep in mind that what worked for your friend may not work for you. An expert surgeon will help you to explore your options and make the right decision by evaluating certain factors such as your aesthetic goals, body type, age, lifestyle, and budget.

However, not every women is an ideal candidate for breast augmentation in Manhattan, NYC. To be a good candidate, you should be healthy and desire an increase in breast size. Along with this, your medical history, aesthetic goals, and anatomical aspects will be considered during your evaluation. If you have a health problem that may might make it unsafe for you to have breast augmentation, you will be advised not to go ahead with the surgery.

Once you are determined to be a good candidate for breast implant surgery, your surgeon will finalize the date and time for your procedure. The procedure will start with administering anesthetics to the site. The anesthetic choices include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia, which will be chosen by your doctor after analyzing the best option that suits you. After the area becomes numb, incisions will be made in inconspicuous areas to insert the implants, while taking care to minimize visible scarring.

Experts use different types of incisions and techniques to place breast implants. Generally, the plastic surgeon will decide on the right incision option for you by considering factors such as

  • Body type
  • Quality and amount of natural breast tissue
  • Breast implant type, size, and placement
  • Whether you need a breast lift
  • Personal preference for scar location
  • Your expectations

Implant placement depends on the implant type and the amount of natural breast tissue present. Usually, breast implants are inserted behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle through an incision in the armpit, at the edge of the areola or under the breast. After inserting implants, the incisions are closed with layered sutures in the breast tissue, skin adhesive or surgical tape.

Most women return to work and light activity within one week after the procedure. For smooth recovery, it is very important to follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions and keep the scheduled follow-up appointments. To improve circulation and prevent blood clots, your surgeon may advise you to do light exercises. Light exercise will ensure that your body heals well with reduced risk for infection, scar tissue and stretch marks. Avoid strenuous activities till you have healed completely.

An experienced surgeon will place the incisions in discreet locations so that the scars are hardly noticeable, but scarring cannot be avoided in breast enlargement surgery. Any scarring resulting from the surgery is permanent but most scars fade and flatten overtime.

If you are considering breast augmentation in Manhattan, New York City, find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in this procedure. Leading practices use advanced imaging technologies such as Axis Three, Vectra 3D and Oculus Rift 3 dimensional imaging glasses to help patients visualize their breast augmentation results. With these technologies, patients can try out various implant options, preview the results, and take an informed decision.