Questions to Ask during a Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation

Many women dream of having a more sensuous and attractive derriere, but the idea of butt implants with all their potential complications can be a turn-off. That’s where Brazilian butt lift in NYC comes in. This procedure is gaining popularity as it gives you the option to enhance your buttocks using your own fat for a fuller and more appealing look. The procedure, which involves liposuction and fat transfer, can provide you with fuller, curvier, and perkier buttocks. Leading plastic surgery practices provide customized Brazilian butt lift solutions to help patients achieve their specific aesthetic goals.

razilian Butt Lift Consultation

In order to achieve optimal results, you need to choose a qualified, experienced and skilled plastic surgeon. This is also crucial for your overall safety as the fat has to be injected at the right depth to avoid complications. If the fat removal is not performed properly, it can result in bumps and deformities. In addition, a skilled surgeon can achieve the right balance between the removal and addition of fat to create a beautifully shaped butt with a smaller waist.

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During your consultation, you can ask the following key questions to your surgeon.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Am I A Good Candidate For Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

BBL may not be right for everyone, especially those with lung or heart conditions. To be a good candidate for BBL, you should be physically healthy and have a stable weight. To meet your goal of improving the roundness or general shape of your buttocks, you must have enough fat and an appropriate body type to harvest enough fat. It’s also important that you have realistic expectations about the results. Other important criteria that determine your candidacy for the treatment include –

  • Be above age 21 years
  • Have enough fat for transfer to the buttocks
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome
  • Don’t have skin laxity
Why Should I Consider BBL over Butt Implants?

Butt implant surgery is a conventional buttock enhancement procedure which involves placing artificial implants surgically in the buttocks to create volume in the area. Unlike butt implants, BBL is safe as it uses your own body fat, which your body is not likely to reject. As they are foreign objects, implants also come with potential risks, such as infection, slow healing, implant displacement, capsular contracture, and leakage. When performed by an expert surgeon, BBL has a lower risk of infection compared to implants. The main advantage with BBL is that it is a “dual-benefit” body contouring procedure. It reshapes fat donor sites such as the abdomen, waist, and flanks by removing unwanted fat and used this fat to improve the appearance of the posterior.

What Type of Anesthesia Will Be Used?

While traditional buttock augmentation is done under general anesthesia, skilled NYC plastic surgeons perform this procedure under local anesthesia. Brazilian butt lift under local anesthesia (BBLULA) provides all the benefits of traditional BBL without the risks or complications associated with general anesthesia. It is an effective option for those seeking a moderate buttock enhancement with one or two areas of liposuction. Compared to the conventional procedure, BBLULA provides diverse benefits such as little or no discomfort, minimal downtime and a significantly shorter recovery time.

What Does The Procedure Involve?

BBLULA is done using advanced liposuction and fat transfer techniques. First, liposuction is performed to remove fat from areas such as the stomach, thighs, arms, or upper back. After it is processed and purified, that fat is re-injected into the buttocks, in the right places and depths, to enhance volume and contour.

How Long Will It Take To Recover?

While the full recovery from this plastic surgery procedure depends on how well you follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions, you can expect to get back to your normal routine in a week’s time if there are no other complications. It is necessary to take special care of your skin in the first few days and weeks after a butt lift for fast recovery and optimal results.

Additional Questions That You Can Ask
  • Where is the fat taken from?
    The common donor sites are the lower back, thighs, love handles and abdomen.
  • Where will my surgery be performed?
    It is important to undergo the surgery in a hospital or in an accredited outpatient surgery center that has been certified for patient safety by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).
  • How soon can I see the results?
    Visible improvement can be seen just the day after the treatment. The final outcome can be seen in 8 weeks to 3 months’ time.
  • How long do the results last?
    When a qualified surgeon does the surgery and if advanced techniques are used, you can expect almost permanent results. As weight fluctuations can affect the achieved outcome, it is important to maintain the results with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • Can I see before and after photos of your BBL patients?
    You should ask your surgeon to show the videos or before and after photos of BBL patients. You must pay special attention to those patients who have similar features or physique like you. This will help you to get an idea of how your surgeon will customize the procedure according to your body type.
  • What will be expected of me before the procedure to ensure the best results?
    You need to take certain steps before and after the surgery to ensure the best results. You should stop smoking. You need to take time off from work for smooth recovery. You need to be at or near to your ideal weight. If not, you may have to reconsider your surgery.
  • How will follow-up care and visits be handled?
    Recovery care is imperative for a successful outcome. Make sure that the surgeon you choose is dedicated to providing you with the best post-op follow-up care.

If you are planning to undergo Brazilian Butt Lift in NYC, then choose an AAAASF- accredited plastic surgery practice that has surgeons with extensive expertise in the procedure. A reliable surgeon will perform a careful patient evaluation before he/she recommends the treatment and they will use advanced technology and the latest techniques to perform this procedure. They will also provide dedicated post-op follow-up care. It is important to have a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome.