Tighten Saggy Skin With Inmode Evolve Tite

Losing a lot of weight is a great accomplishment for everyone but it comes with a price – loose, saggy skin. When the skin is severely stretched and stays that way for an extended period of time, the collagen and elastin fibres get damaged and will lose some of their retracting power. The result is a lot of extra skin. There are many cosmetic surgical options available to address this concern, most people are hesitant to go under the knife. Fortunately, there is an effective non-invasive option to address sagging skin – Evolve Tite in Manhattan NYC. The procedure can restore your skin’s elasticity and help restore its youthful appearance.

Evolve Tite

How does Evolve Tite Work?

This advanced non-invasive, hands-free body sculpting procedure uses radiofrequency energy to lessen the appearance of loose, sagging skin. For customized pain-free patient results, the 8 hands-free applicators apply uniform, volumetric heating to the skin and subdermal layer. Evolve Tite is designed with built-in thermal sensors that monitor skin surface temperature in real time. Each applicator allows the device to reach an optimal thermal profile to deliver exceptional results. As the radiofrequency energy permeates the dermal layers, it can decrease skin folds. Patients remain at ease throughout the procedure that comes with no downtime.

The treatment can be tailored to your individual requirements, with the final result being a smoother appearance. It can treat many areas at once, including the thighs, arms, and abdomen. The device’s Acquire, Control and Extend (A.C.E.) Technology reaches deep within the skin, maximizes results, provides consistent results and makes sure that no areas are being under- or over-treated. During the treatment, the patient may experience a warming feeling similar to that of a hot stone massage. Evolve Tite features a Patient Call Button and adjustments can be made to the treatment at any time throughout a session to guarantee patient comfort.

How many sessions are needed?

Everyone’s skin is different and the number of treatments depend upon individual goals. For best results, 3 to 6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart are typically advised. Even though you’ll see a difference after just one treatment, it can take two or more sessions for your skin to reach its maximum potential.

The treatment comes with no recovery period or downtime. You can resume your daily routine after the treatment session is over. There may be some redness on the treated areas which will subside in a few days.

Lose skin is a common issue among people, especially those who were pregnant or lost a lot of weight. In addition to affecting your appearance, extra, loose skin can cause discomfort, rashes and infections. Inmode Evolve Tite in Mahattan NYC is an ideal option to tighten skin and achieve a toned appearance.

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