When Can You Start Exercises and Workouts after Breast Augmentation?

Breast AugmentationBreast augmentation in New York City is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. As it is a surgical procedure, proper post-operative care is crucial for smooth recovery. It’s important because many patients are concerned when they can start to work out after their procedure. Though you may want to get back to your routine activities and exercise immediately after the procedure, it is not advisable. Your plastic surgeon will advise you in this regard.

Allowing your body to heal after a plastic surgery will help to avoid complications and unnecessary problems. Many patients feel physically and mentally better when they’re able to exercise, and it can be very frustrating for active patients to take time off after any type of cosmetic procedure. However, it is really necessary for optimal results. It doesn’t mean that you should sit idle, you can do moderate exercises which is good till you heal completely – nothing strenuous but just short walks that will help improve circulation and prevent blood clots. In fact, it will ensure that your body heals well with reduced risk for infection, scar tissue and stretch marks.

Every patient is different and every workout program has to be customized to his or her fitness levels, considering their overall health. Recovery after breast augmentation varies based on existing breast tissue, skin, muscle, size and type of implant, and of course the technique used by the surgeon. It would be better if patients, especially those with implants under the muscle, avoid strenuous chest exercises such as push-ups, bench presses or even Yoga that involves chest work. This is because the implants placed under the muscle could face downward contraction and outward pressure on them which, over time can result in the implants dropping or become displaced.

Patients should not be overly active for the first 48 hours following their breast augmentation surgery. Depending upon the type of surgery, they can gradually increase their activity level the first two weeks after the surgery. Arduous activities should be avoided for the first two weeks as it can elevate your heart rate and blood pressure and increase the risk of bleeding or swelling. At one month, most patients can resume usual exercises except heavy lifting, and generally at six weeks patients are healed completely and can continue all exercises.

The general rule of a good surgeon would be to listen to your body. If you overdo something that causes swelling or discomfort, they would advise you to stop doing it and give your body some more time to heal. Once you recover completely, regular exercises and a proper diet are crucial for weight management and fitness, and to help maintain the results.

If you want to perform breast augmentation in Manhattan, NYC find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has expert plastic surgeons who can guide you prior and post surgery with valuable advice and recommendations. Make sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding when you can resume your exercise routine to avoid any unnecessary complications.