Dr. Spero Theodorou Co-authored a New Study: “Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence: An Emerging Paradigm for Postoperative Patient Care”

April 21, 2023

bodySCULPT is proud to announce that a study titled “Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence: An Emerging Paradigm for Postoperative Patient Care,” co-authored by bodySculpt’s leading plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC – Dr. Spero Theodorou, MD was published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, on 21 March 2023. The other authors are – Daniel Del Vecchio, MD, MBA, …

Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence

What Are The Benefits Of Brazilian Butt Augmentation? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you looking to achieve fuller, perky buttocks? Then you could consider getting Brazilian butt augmentation in NYC, an innovative cosmetic surgical procedure that can provide attractive natural looking results. Performed using local anesthesia and minimally invasive techniques, Brazilian butt augmentation, also known as a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), uses the patient’s own fat for …

What Is The Difference between BodyTite And Traditional Liposuction? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you considering liposuction treatment to get rid of those fat deposits which just refuse to budge no matter how hard you work out or diet? Leading New York City plastic surgery practices offer both traditional liposuction surgery and minimally-invasive options such as radiofrequency-assisted BodyTite. Traditional liposuction removes stubborn fat pockets, but is invasive surgery …

Important Things To Consider When Having BBL Surgery In NYC [INFOGRAPHIC]

Buttock augmentation in NYC is an innovative procedure that provides you with well-shaped, rounded buttocks without the risks associated with implants. The minimally-invasive Brazilian butt lift in NYC makes use of your own fat from other body areas – such as abdomen, thighs or arms where you have it in excess – for the augmentation. …

What Are The Advantages Of A Breast Lift? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Breast sagginess, usually the result of factors such as aging, excessive weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding, is a major aesthetic concern for many women. Fortunately, the condition can be addressed by getting a breast lift in NYC. This cosmetic surgical procedure, also known as mastopexy, can resolve this concern and restore firm, perkier breasts. Performed …

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For A Brazilian Tummy Tuck? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you looking for ways to address stubborn abdominal fat and sagging skin? Then a tummy tuck is one of the best options to consider. The procedure removes stubborn fat, firms the skin and also tightens the muscles to result in a smoother, trimmer mid-section. Today, there is an even more advanced treatment – the …

Can I Take Vitamins Before And After BBL Surgery? [INFOGRAPHIC]

More and more women are getting BBL surgery in New York City to enhance buttock contour and achieve a more sensuous figure. This innovative procedure enhances the size and shape of your buttocks using your own fat. Many women prefer BBL surgery over butt implants as the treatment can create results that are natural looking. …

6 Reasons To Consider Breast Augmentation Surgery [INFOGRAPHIC]

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation helps women enhance their physical appearance and boost confidence and self-esteem. Hundreds of thousands of women opt to have breast augmentation in NYC every year for different reasons. Rather than being influenced by others, many patients consider their own personal needs and goals before getting this …

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy 4th of July [INFOGRAPHIC]

bodySCULPT® (www.bodysculpt.com) is an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice with a state-of-the-art surgical center located on 128 Central Park South in Manhattan, New York City. The plastic surgery practice based in NYC, New York, provides a wide range of plastic surgery procedures for men and women. bodySCULPT® specializes in tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift, fat transfer, …

How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, gravity and genetics can cause a woman’s breasts to sag and lose proportion. Getting a breast lift in NYC is a great option for women who want to address these concerns and achieve firmer, perkier, and more youthful looking breasts. The procedure, also called mastopexy, removes excess, stretched out skin, …

What are the Benefits of the Morpheus8 Skin Tightening Solution? [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you are looking for a skin tightening solution, try Morpheus8 in NYC! Caused by factors such as excessive weight loss, pregnancy and genetics, excess or loose skin is a common aesthetic concern among men and women. Though it can be surgically removed, most people don’t want to go under the knife. Plastic surgeons in …