Tips For Seniors To Stay Active In Winter

Active In Winter

Regular physical activity can help older adults to improve balance, maintain or lose body weight and keep their mind sharp. Emerging research suggests that regular physical activity can help boost immune function. Physical activity can also improve sleep and reduce anxiety. The winter season is a challenging time for everyone to stay active, more so for older adults. The cold temperature, slippery conditions and fewer daylight hours can make it hard for seniors to go outdoors and stick to their workout routine.

Experts recommend that senior adults need to get at least 50 minutes a week of moderate intensity physical activity. Many activities count, such as walking, running, or wheelchair rolling. In winter, seniors can break that up into smaller chunks of time or spread activities out during the week. Ideally, they should aim to exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Here are some tips that help seniors to stay active in winter –

  • Monitor the Weather and Plan Ahead – Plan your workout schedule based on the weather forecasts. Be sure to monitor the weather, dress appropriately and you’re your activity accordingly. Instead of exercising in the wee hours of the morning, schedule your workout later in the day–late afternoon or before lunch.
  • Wear Layers – Wear several layers of comfortable clothing so that items can be removed easily as you can become warmer. Layers will help guard against overheating, sweating, and eventually becoming colder. Wear the right clothes, shoes, and protective gear for the hands, head, and ears.
  • Get an Exercise Partner – Try to find an exercise partner. Exercising with friends or a loved one is a great motivation to get up, show up, and stick to your workout plan. It also increases the chances of achieving your goal, whether it is to lose weight or strengthen muscles.
  • Exercise at Home – Besides going to the gym or jogging around the neighborhood, find ways to stay at home. Indoor workout options include walking, stair climbing, and online fitness classes, and yoga. Try to spend 150 minutes per week doing simple aerobic activities. If you have an underlying medical condition or mobility problem, choose home exercises suitable for your fitness level.

Exercise can positively impact the overall well-being–physically, mentally, and emotionally. Following these tips can help you stay active during the long winter months.