Brazilian Tummy Tuck Surgery in NYC – Benefits

Brazilian Tummy Tuck SurgeryMore and more men and women are seeking cosmetic surgery to achieve a trim and attractive mid-section when diet and exercise fail to get rid of stubborn fat. While tummy tuck surgery is safe and effective, NYC plastic surgery practices now offer a new option called the Brazilian tummy tuck. In addition to all the benefits of a traditional abdominoplasty, this treatment offers better outcomes, greater efficiency, and reduced downtime. If you are the right candidate, this innovative procedure can address excess abdominal fat and sagging due to substantial weight loss or multiple pregnancies, with a much lower risk and faster recovery time.

This cosmetic surgical procedure combines abdominoplasty with liposuction of the upper part of the abdomen. It is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours to complete. The treatment can resolve large amounts of fat and abdominal skin and also tighten the abdominal wall. The procedure comes with reduced risk of numbness and infection. The same amount of skin is removed as in the conventional method, but without leaving spaces in the abdomen as the surgeon makes passages within the fat. Also, there is no need for fluid removal through drains.

The other important benefits of choosing Brazilian tummy tuck over the traditional method are:

  • Along with excess fat and skin removal and firming of the abdominal muscles, the procedure results in a smaller looking, well-shaped waist.
  • The pubic area, which might have dropped due to age and pregnancy, is pulled up.
  • It reduces/eliminates bouts of incontinence that may follow pregnancy.

Recovery is relatively fast and most patients get back to normal activities in just 10 days. However, it is important choosing a skilled surgeon who is experienced in the performing the procedure is important for safe treatment and optimal results.