InMode EVOKE and EVOLVE Treatment – Reshape Your Face and Body

Stay-at-home mandates due to COVID-19 have led to a more sedentary lifestyle. With gyms, parks, sports facilities closed and work-at-home policies, people are finding it hard to maintain their regular fitness regimens, leading to extra fat in both the body and face. Fortunately, non-invasive contouring treatments provided by experienced plastic surgeons in NYC can eliminate these extra pounds without pain, scars, or downtime.


These innovative nonurgical treatments – EVOKE for the face and EVOLVE for the body – are from InMode, the leading global provider of cutting-edge energy-based, minimally invasive solutions. They contour and tone problematic areas while supporting social distancing requirements. Both can be set up and administered by the aesthetic provider, but don’t need much attention. Once the device is set up to work on your face or body, the provider can leave the room and allow the technology to deliver the results.

InMode EVOKE and EVOLVE are based on radio-frequency (RF) assisted technology. These non-invasive treatments require no anesthesia, painless, and safer than ever for almost everyone.

InMode EVOKE Treatment in NYC: EVOKE is the first and only FDA-cleared all-in-one non-invasive hands-free RF enriched platform for complete facial remodelling. It is designed specifically to tone skin in the areas like face and neck. The delivery of RF energy renews, alters, and reorganizes the facial tissues deep inside the skin, and causes the skin to renew itself too. This treatment rejuvenates and refreshes the face you can expect a glowing, even-textured, and improved appearance.

The hands-free EVOKE platform and can be programmed to your needs. When the RF energy is applied on the face, energy waves from it enter deeper into the skin, towards the subdermal tissues level. When these vibrations reach the treatment area, it starts working to clean off the dead skin cells and the deposits of fat, thereby activating collagen formation, muscle toning, and skin tightening. EVOKE is suitable for all skin types and tones.

While the effects are immediately visible, the best results require multiple treatments. After each consecutive treatment you will see your facial features have become firmer and tighter. The younger you are, the sooner you will notice the results as your body is much more metabolically active and produces collagen much faster.

Benefits of EVOKE treatment:

  • Clears the dead skin cells on the skin surface and promotes cell growth that ensures a healthy and glowing younger-looking skin.
  • Tighten loose skin thereby improves facial skin tightness and smoothness.
  • Improves blood circulation which increases face-radiance and provides a natural-looking glow to the face.
  • Stimulates collagen production that helps reduces wrinkles around the lips and on the forehead.
  • Regulates the muscle tone, which in turn, tones and tightens the jawlines and cheekbones.

Good candidates are people looking for an anti-aging treatment, facial-remodelling, more defined cheekbones, jawlines, and chin.


InMode EVOLVE Treatment in NYC: EVOLVE is another FDA-cleared hands-free RF-based non-invasive treatment to tone, trim, tighten the body fat. It is the ultimate in addressing body remodelling and body contouring issues without surgical intervention or downtime. It works specifically to tone body areas like arms, abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs buttocks, and knees. RF energy and electromagnetic radiations stimulate the muscles and help fat reduction and muscle definition.

RF energy is delivered to the deep layers of adipose tissue at the treatment site. This heats the adipose tissue, disrupts, and remodels the fat cells, tones the muscles and remodels the skin, improving the shape and appearance of the treated area. EVOLVE is designed for skin remodelling (skin tightening), to treat adipose tissue (fat cells), and for muscle toning (improve muscle tone). Each purpose is met with the treatment that is meant for it.

EVOLVE TITE: Tightens loose and sagging skin.

EVOLVE TRIM: An alternative to liposuction, it also targets cellulite and dimpled skin and reshapes the body to make your skin look smoother.

EVOLVE TONE: Tightens and tones muscles to add definition and enhance your natural physique.

Each of these systems comes with applicators designed with built-in thermal sensors that monitor the skin surface temperature in real-time. This helps the device to reach an optimal thermal profile to provide the best results by ensuring safety and comfort of the patient.

Benefits of EVOLVE treatment:

  • Tones the muscles.
  • Increases muscle density.
  • Causes fat reduction and works subsequently to tighten loose skin.
  • Performs skin remodelling and provides a refreshed look.

Good candidates are people who are looking for overall fat reduction or fat loss from a specific body area, and want to remodel their body and get toned muscles.


InMode EVOLVE and EVOKE treatment are available in leading NYC surgical practices. For the best results, choose a surgeon who is an expert in utilizing InMode’s RF-assisted modalities for body contouring. In a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice, the surgeon will evaluate your goals and concerns. After determining that you are a good candidate for the treatment, an expert will help you achieve attractive, natural-looking results.