Ensure Lustrous, Healthy Hair with These Important Vitamins and Nutrients

Healthy and beautiful-looking hair is something we all cherish. However, proper care of your hair with a comprehensive regimen is important to maintain its growth and shiny appearance. A healthy diet with proper ingredients that stimulate healthy hair growth is important. Including certain vital vitamins and nutrients in your diet can help your hair to …

Clear and Beautiful Eyes – Healthy Eye Care Habits Everyone Should Know

Clear and attractive eyes are an asset for both men and women. For that you have to maintain the health of your eyes by ensuring proper eye care. Consider the following tips and recommendations for a good eye care regimen. Drink enough water and fluids throughout the day to preserve the viscosity of the fluid …

Diet or Exercise – Which is the Best Option to Shed More Pounds?

There is no doubt about the importance of a proper diet and regular exercise to shed weight, stay healthy and get in shape. Research supports the critical role of these two factors in weight control. However, which is the better choice? According to a recent report in the journal Systematic Reviews, a healthy diet is …

Importance of Good Hearing for Physical and Emotional Wellbeing

Good hearing is very important in a person’s life. Healthy hearing allows us to communicate well, which is the basis of many positive things in one’s life. It is necessary to understand that hearing loss not only affects you physically but can also have an impact on your emotional, physical and social wellbeing. Many people …

Easy Exercises for the Elderly to Improve Stability and Prevent Falls

Older adults are more often at risk of falling or tripping and it can easily lead to broken bones or even more serious injuries. Making your muscles stronger and more flexible, improving your balance and increasing how long you can be active are all important to minimize the possible risks of trips and falls. Considering …

Consider These Tips to Minimize/Avoid Jet Lag

Most people traveling overseas often experience jet lag and its associated discomfort. Your body’s internal clock may take quite some time to adjust to the change in time zone. People complain about the disruption of sleeping and waking cycle. Some of the common after effects include insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day; hunger at …

Top Tips for Men to Stay Physically and Emotionally Fit

Making some important decisions and lifestyle changes can help every man stay healthy. Here are some key practices that can rejuvenate your life: Control your weight: Excessive weight can lead to obesity and other illnesses. So, make an effort to stay healthy by staying within your ideal weight. Quit smoking: Smoking is estimated to kill …

Consider these Tips for Smooth and Beautiful-looking Legs [Infographics]

Your legs are very important and should not be neglected. Attractive and smooth-looking legs can really enhance your profile and make you look great in your favorite outfits. You can improve the appearance of your legs by taking care of certain elements in your normal cleansing and beauty care regimen. Here are some tips to …