Study: Breast Feeding May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence

Many studies have shown that breast-feeding is linked to reduced risk of breast cancer. A new study suggests that breast-feeding could have additional benefits, providing evidence to show that women who breast-feed and later have cancer are at a lower risk of the cancer coming back or recurring. The study was published in the April …

Study Highlights the Role of Diet and Exercise in Diabetes Management

Diabetes when left undiagnosed or untreated can have a serious impact on your health. medicalnewstoday carried a report on a recent study which found that though it is generally considered that the benefits from exercise, weight loss and diet are interchangeable, when it comes to managing Type 2 diabetes risk they may offer unique and …

A 2 Minute Walk Can Address the Negative Effects of Over-Sitting

In today’s world, there nothing unusual about jobs and activities that involve sitting for 8 to 10 hours at a stretch. Research has shown that sitting continuously for a long time increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems and even premature death. Well, if you are one of those people who spend …

Vitamin D Supplements May Help Weight Loss, says Study

Overweight and obese people striving to trim down now have new hope. A new study says that taking vitamin D supplements can help in weight loss. According to a recent Huffington Post report, a study by researchers from the University of Milan, Italy, suggests that obese people who have vitamin D deficiency could lose weight …

Lemon Juice for your Skin – Some Awesome Facts

The health benefits of the lemon have been known for centuries. This simple yellow fruit has many antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers, helps in digestion, and cleanses the liver naturally. But do you know that lemon juice can do wonders for your skin? Here are some amazing skin care properties of this ubiquitous fruit. Applying …